Jerry's blog

Postgresql query optimization practice

Recently, I was develop a RESTful API for all business data in Australia. There are some thoughts I’d like to mark down for notes.


  • Denormalize if necessary
  • Understand sql query order
  • Small table join big table


When designing models, we tend to normalize the database into a very detailed level because it makes sense or avoids duplication. However, how to normalize the database must depends on how the query is structured.

SQL query order

As far as I am concerned, SQL query order is essential to optimize a sql query.

(8)SELECT (9)DISTINCT  (11)<Top Num> <select list>
(1)FROM [left_table]
(3)<join_type> JOIN <right_table>
(2)ON <join_condition>
(4)WHERE <where_condition>
(5)GROUP BY <group_by_list>
(6)WITH <CUBE | RollUP>
(7)HAVING <having_condition>
(10)ORDER BY <order_by_list>

To begin with, every step will produce a virutal table1.

FROM clause

The from clause is the first step of sql query.

  • form t1

Will use t1 as vt1

  • from t1, t2, ..t

Will cartesian product t1 to tn and produce vt1. Do not do this

  • from (nest sql query)

Will use nest sql query as result for vt1.

ON clause

Based on the on clause, filter vt1 as vt2. On clause need to work with join clause.

JOIN clause

Add out fields on vt2 in terms of on clause and produce vt3

WHERE clause

Filter the vt3 according to where clause and produce vt4

GROUP BY clause

Group vt5 by fields in the cause and produce vt5

WITH clause

Will give a sub-query block a name and add to vt5 > vt6

HAVING clause

Work with GROUP BY filter filter vt6 > vt7

SELECT clause

Select fields from vt7 > vt8


Will remove duplicate on vt8 based on fields from distinct clause > vt9

ORDER BY clause

Will sort vt9 according to order by clause > vt10

TOP Clause

Will return vt10 with certain number > vt11

Small table join big table

This is silver bullet of optimization sql query. Usually in the from clause we need to narrow the results by using subqueries then join other tables. The subquery should include limit clause if it is possible or we need to denormalize the database.


  1. Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Logical Query Processing,